Sustainability & Climate Change

Hybridizing farming and the city: a vision for saving the human race?
Book review, Building Research & Information, Volume 39, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 323-326
Centre for Environmental Strategy Course Review: Overall Summary
Centre for Environmental Strategy Course Review: Overall Summary
University of Surrey Masters Course Market Review
University of Surrey Masters Course Market Review
University of Surrey Engineering Doctorates Review
University of Surrey Engineering Doctorates Review
Adapting to the impact of climate change on buildings, neighbourhoods and cities: a Briefing Guide for the North West
Prepared on behalf of the Centre for Construction Innovation NW, for the North West Climate Change Adaptation Group

Comfort in a Lower Carbon Society
Routledge, London, pp 101-106

Sustainable Urban Development: Volume 4. Changing Professional Practice
Routledge, London
Environmental Sustainability
Design Guidance Note, Sport England
Are developers and clients in the East Midlands ready for sustainable development of the built environment?
Report prepared for emda on behalf of the Sustainability Forum, ERC, Cambridge
Making the construction industry ready for a more sustainable East of England: a primer
Report prepared for the East of England Sustainable Construction Task Group, ERC, Cambridge

Sustainable construction and planning: the policy agenda
Centre for Policy and Governance, the LSE SusCon Project, London School of Economics, London

Managing Sustainable Construction: Accelerated Learning Pack
With Cambridge Architectural Research and BRE. produced for the Department of Trade & Industry, CRC Ltd, London

Transgressing discipline boundaries: is BEQUEST an example of ‘the new production of knowledge’?
Building Research & Information, 30 (2) pp. 116-129
Sustainable Construction and the HE Sector
MaSC: Managing Sustainable Construction: profiting from sustainability
With Cambridge Architectural Research and BRE, produced for the Department of Trade & Industry, CRC Ltd, London

Environmental initiatives in the hospitality sector
The Environment Papers Series, vol 1, no 1, pp 30-40, ISSN 1460-1745, March 1997, published by Glasgow Caledonian University

Environmental Management for Hotels: the industry guide to best practice
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 236 pages, ISBN 0 7506 2728 X

Cities and Sustainability
A joint research agenda prepared for the Science and Engineering Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council