Housing Fact File 2012
The UK’s Housing Energy Fact File 2012, prepared for UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to inform government policy and interested stakeholders
Household Electricity Survey: Early Findings
The first of four reports analysing DECC and DEFRA’s Housing Electricity Survey data – the best dataset for electricity use in UK homes ever collected.
Insulation and Thermal Management: literature review
Eclipse and CAR’s State of the Art Review of the Literature about insulation and thermal storage for the UK’s Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Sports Centre energy benchmarking tool and energy efficient technologies website
Devised in collaboration with Simon Ruffle. Formerly available on the Action Energy website
Modelling energy use in the global building stock: a pilot survey to identify available data source
Tyndall Centre Technical Report 6, University of East Anglia
CHP in hotels – a guide for owners and managers
Good Practice Guide 384, Action Energy/CHP Club
The design team’s guide to environmentally smart buildings – energy efficient options for new and refurbished offices
Good Practice Guide 287, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the UK Department of Environment
Effective management of energy in sports centres - Kirklees Metropolitan Council
Good Practice Guide 360, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the UK Department of Environment
Controlling energy use in buildings
General Information Report 47, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the UK Department of Environment
Energy efficient refurbishment of hotels and guesthouses - a guide for proprietors and managers
Good Practice Guide 205, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
Energy efficient refurbishment of schools – the achievements of Bolton Council
Good Practice Case Study 381, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
Energy efficiency action pack - for retail premises
Good Practice Guide 190, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
Developing an effective energy policy
Good Practice Guide 186, Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme, BRECSU for Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
The Derwentwater Hotel, Keswick, UK
Good Practice Case Study 297, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
Protect our environment - save energy: a guide to managing energy in hotels
Four-page guide with 6 posters, published by BRECSU on behalf of the UK Department of Environment and the SAVE programme of DGXVII of the European Commission
The Munich Park Hilton Hotel, Germany: Energy costs controlled as part of an Environmental Management programme.
Good Practice Case Study 296, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
Organisational aspects of energy management: a self-assessment manual for managers
Good Practice Guide 167, Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of the Environment
Is your energy use under control? - a practical guide to assessment and action
Good Practice Guide 136, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of the Environment
Energy efficient house design - exploiting solar energy
Good Practice Guide 73, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment

Making a Corporate Commitment: Chairman’s Checklist
Prepared for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment

Making a Corporate Commitment: Executive Action Plan
Prepared for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment
Energy Efficiency in Hotels - A guide for owners and managers
Energy Consumption Guide 36, BRECSU for the Energy Efficiency Office, UK Department of Environment

BREDEM-8, A Montly Calculation Method for Energy Use in Dwellings: Testing and Developtment
Paper to BEP (Building Environmental Performance) ’91, proceedings published by Building Environmental Performance Analysis Club
Exploiting sunshine in house design
120-page handbook prepared on behalf of the BRE for the Department of Energy’s Energy Technology Support Unit